We have 2 halls, one large and a smaller one. These halls are utilised both by church groups and local community groups. We also have facilities for the disabled.
11am-12noon Qigong (large hall)
11.30am-2pm Tuesday Chat and Care and Carer’s Space (lunch included) (large hall)
7-9pm Heart to Heart bereavement support (3rd Tuesday of each month)
10-10.50am Taiji (large hall)
11am-12 noon Qigong (large hall)
7-8pm Qigong (large hall)
7-9pm Craft Club (Session House)
11am-1pm Heart for Art (large hall)
1.30-3pm Guild (small hall) – every 2 weeks from September to April
10-10.50am Taiji (large hall)
11am-12 noon Qigong (large hall)
1-3pm Walk and Talk
If you wish to enquire about a hall let please email us at admin@standrewscarluke.org.uk and we will get back to you as soon as possible.